peerie club
The Peerie Club meets every Saturday afternoon from 2.30 – 4pm for children in Primaries 1 – 3 and they do a wide variety of activities and have lots of fun!
Staff and volunteers plan an indoor and outdoor programme of activities as they want to get the children outside as much as possible. Some of the activities include making a journey stick while out on a walk; or finding sealife at the shore. Every year the Peerie Club members decorate the indoor Christmas Tree in preparation for the Christmas Light Up.

They have planted flowers to set outside the youth centre and took part in the intergenerational project “Poppy Rocks” in 2019 when they, Youth Cafe members and the 60 Plus Drop In group painted poppies on rocks and put the name of a soldier or sailor who lost their lives in the First World War. This was to commemorate 100 years since World War 1. The names were taken from the Roll of Honour for servicemen from Scalloway, Burra and Trondra who lost their lives fighting for their country. A piper (Jamie) played as the procession walked along the street to the Shetland Bus Memorial and laid their stones down. They went up to the Royal British Legion, Scalloway Branch to look at the photos of the men they wrote on the back of their stone. This was a great project that brought the history of World War 1 into the minds of the children and how important it is to remember those who lost their lives fighting for our freedom.

We have young volunteers helping at the Peerie Club and they learn new skills helping the children with the activities and tuck shop.
“I have grown in confidence and am more comfortable talking in front of a group”
“I know a lot more people from Scalloway by volunteering at the Peerie Club and they remember me when they come into the shop which is nice”

Some of the activities planned at the Peerie Club

Catriona said that volunteering at the Peerie Club helped her decide to become a primary school teacher. She is now in her second year of study.