The Scalloway Youth & Community Centre works together with a variety of user groups. Here is some information about those groups
60 Plus Drop-in

The 60 Plus Drop In started following the first Age & Opportunity Fayre (2016) organised by the Centre in which a questionnaire was completed by those attending and the outcome was they wanted to meet socially and have activities and guest speakers. The first 60 Plus Drop In was held on the 27th. April 2016 and meets every Wednesday from 2pm – 4pm and costs £2 per session. There is a varied programme of activities and guest speakers and since August 2017 Margaret Gear principal physiotherapist from Yasp does an exercise class on a voluntary basis every Wednesday from 2 – 2.45pm helping us all keep fit and healthy.

The Centre received a grant from Dunhill Medical Trust to purchase a Raizer Lift to help less able people get up and down from the floor, along with two wheelchairs and mats. This was an asset for the exercise group and is shared with other users. Small weights and other items of equipment was donated by the Central Community Sports Hub for the exercise sessions.
The group completed a reminiscence project “Our Street” which looks at the shops and businesses along the street from Blacksness to Port Arthur in 1950 and brought in the young people from the youth cafe to interview some of the older people about life then. This book will be available for sale soon and all profits to go back into the 60 Plus Group. A grant of £1100 was received from Scottish Sea Farms Heart of the Community in 2017 towards the printing of this book.

In August 2018 the group received funding through RVS Asda Foundation to purchase equipment for a monthly lunch club run by a core group of volunteers. This is usually held on the last Wednesday of the month and people get a two course meal, tea and coffee for £6. A small group of volunteers do the preparation, cooking and setting up for the meal and booking is essential.

In 2019 we had Claire White and David Halcrow entertaining the group but we also had a visit from a couple of sheep!
Yasp Physiotherapy Clinic is situated within Scalloway Youth And Community Centre. In addition to a wide range of private physiotherapy Yasp offer:
Free specialist neurophysiotherapy for people with multiple sclerosis (MS)
Two different exercise classes for people with MS
Free exercise classes for people with Parkinson’s
50 Plus exercise class
Free exercise class for SYCC’s 60 Plus club
Full details of Yasp services can be found at www.yasp.scot

Rainbows & Brownies
The Rainbows meet in the Scalloway Youth and Community Centre Monday nights during term time from 5:30-6:30pm.
Rainbows are girls aged five to seven and follow a programme called the Rainbow Jigsaw, through which they can take part in lots of different activities earn badges and have lots of fun.
The Scalloway Brownies meet in the Scalloway Youth and Community Centre on Monday nights during term time from 7-8pm.
Brownies are girls aged seven to ten who become a member of a Six and follow a programme called the Brownie Adventure. Brownies opens up a world of exciting challenges and the opportunity to try new things earn badges and have lots of fun.
Contact: Cyndi Pottinger
Tel: 01595 880458